Emma and Chris have three severely autistic children under the age of eight. Their two-bedroomed housing association home is cramped for three hyperactive children. Emma was once a well-paid PA, but both parents have needed to give up work to care for the children full-time. Emma says, “I can manage. Life with the children is fine for us and I’m not complaining. It’s the admin that gets me down. We do have most things we need and we’re not asking for anything more. Just please don’t take anything away.” At the last election, their MP made a doorstop visit. Emma rolls her eyes, as she recalls, “I said I was really worried his party would cut benefits for disabled people. He said to me, face-to-face, ‘You know about David Cameron’s son, that’s why you know there’s no way we’re going to harm disabled children like yours’. Right there, on our doorstep.”
Source: http://figr.es/s289