For Mina and her nine-year old daughter Rana, the benefit cap led to a £210 per week shortfall on their two-bedroomed flat. The landlord gave them notice, and now they are in bed-and-breakfast. The bedroom they share has no window and is too small to fit two beds, so they share a bed. They share a bathroom with ten other families. During the night, they can hear occupants in other rooms stamping up and down the stairs, occasionally followed by the police. A few weeks ago, the woman in the next room attacked Mina, in an assault so violent that Mina had to spend the night in hospital, accompanied by her daughter. The neighbour remains, and Mina and Rana can no longer use the communal kitchen, instead buying food from KFC and McDonald’s. Rana says, “No one in school knows. I told the teacher we had to move, but she doesn’t know I’m living in this tiny room”.